Monday, October 12, 2015

Going the Distance

I have noticed that nobody in the house wants to go further than our own town to get something to eat. This is very strange. My family used to drive all over the place when we dined out. I also used to be an avid driver when I lived by myself. Now people complain if I want to eat in the next town to the North.

So today we made the first of what I hope to be extended trips past the city limits to dine out. Momoko chose the venue. She also drove. That meant I had to pay. Momoko's GPS told us to head North to the next big city up there. Then we headed east, and cut back down south a bit. The place was not hard to get to.

The parking lot for the place was another story. This seemed to be a prior private residence turned into a diner. There did not seem to be any marked parking spaces. There was also little space to park. I advised Momoko to hurry up and take one of the remaining places to park.

We got inside and found a small room that was crowded. We did sit at a tiny table for two. The side dishes did not look appetizing. Therefore I did not order an entree. I tried to order a crabcake sandwich. However they were out. I got some random chicken sandwich instead.

On the way home, I told Momoko that we should not use the GPS to direct us. It would add to the adventure. We drove a long ways North since it was the easiest direction to exit the diner. Then we saw some major crossroads. I told Momoko to get on the major beltway.

We chose the direction opposite the bridge. Seemed like a good bet since the bridge led away from our house. Turns out it was the right choice. The beltway led us to the major highway that deposits us right by our house. Good thing the kids were out on an adventure of their own today. They would not have been able to sit with us.

Next week I might do the driving. Perhaps we shall head downtown into one of the major cities that are near us. Yeah. That sounds like a plan.

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