Monday, September 11, 2017

Traffic Trouble

Today is my class night. We only meet once a week. So I have to make it count. I got to work early. Made sure to knock out the high priority tasks so I could leave on time. When my boss told me to take care of some extra tasks at the end of the day, I alerted him that Monday's are school nights for me. Therefore, no working late on Mondays.

Kit Kat came home from her work day job. She told me the route to my college was jammed up. Apparently a dump truck lost its payload when it crashed. Momoko also called me up and warmed me about a garbage truck backing up traffic on my route. Ouch.

I decided to take the long way to school. It is also fraught with traffic. But at least it is a predictable slow route. Momoko got me some nachos on the road. I ate them while I waited in traffic. Not easy. Not recommended. But I had no time to stop off for dinner due to my detour.

I did end up making it to class on time. I knew other students would be trickling in late. A lot of people take the road I do to get to college. I was glad I got there on time. The instructor was walking us through some challenging topics in class. These topics would help with my lab and next week's quiz. Plus it is essential knowledge for my field.

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