Sunday, January 20, 2019

Secure Login

I have to log into some payroll system to see my pay stub from work. I print it out each pay period. Like to have a hard copy of it. Some time ago, the company set up some security. I had to use this little device that had a changing number on it. It served as my password to log into the payroll system.

Well, my device expired last year. I got some emails about that. Was supposed to sign up for a new type of password generator. I went through the motions. Said I wanted to access the site from my Windows computer. Apparently Windows was not supported.

I asked for a new device. Never got one. So I was stuck. I called my company. They told me I had to download an app for my phone. Well I don't want to access the site from my phone. I want to access it from my computer. Apparently a new app serves the purpose of the old device.

Tried to download the app. My iPhone has too old of an iOS to run the app. Tried to upgrade the iPhone one generation forward in iOS. Did not work. Tried to jump two generations forward. Did not work either. I need this access. So I had to download the latest iOS.

Now I can generate the password to get into payroll. But there are all these weird changes in the iPhone that bug me. Maybe I should have asked my company to provide a work iPhone for this purpose.

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