Thursday, June 6, 2019

In Search of Looper

Momoko has been watching K-dramas religiously. She just binge watches them. Sometimes I join her for a few episodes. I want to watch other genres with her. So I proposed we also watch some movies. We started with "See You Yesterday". It was a time travel flick. That got me interested in other time travel movies. Watched the movie Primer again by myself. We talked about watching Looper. I bought a digital version from Amazon by mistake. Luckily I cancelled the order and got my money back.

We spent a lot of time searching for a good movie tonight. Scoured through the B-movies available on Amazon Prime. There were a few that were okay. I think we found a gem in Morning Glory, a movie about an executive producer for a morning show (think a low budget Today Show). Figured that there has to be a better way to find good movies quicker. Netflix has B-movies online like Amazon Prime Video.

I did recall the great days of Netflix DVDs in the mail. So do you know what I did? I signed up for a Netflix DVD collection by mail again. The biggest plan seemed to be 2 DVDs out at a time. Can't wait for my first movies to arrive. I hope this plan gives us enough movies to watch. Otherwise I will have to inquire about any other special plans, or maybe even purchase a second plan.

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