Thursday, September 26, 2019

Claiming my Bonus

I had some big dealings with the bank. They had to send some people out to my house multiple times to get me to sign a document. Then I figured I was done with the whole transaction. Nope. My original sales guy had told me that I could get some free gift. I had forgotten about it. Now it was time to choose a gift.

There were a lot of options. Most of the stuff seemed to have an MSRP between $150 and $200. I was thinking about getting the Google Home, which is their version of Alexa. There were a lot of bad reviews for it though. Then I thought maybe I could get a Dyson hand vacuum. Again there were a ton of bad reviews.

I have wanted to get the ability to watch DVDs in my study. When I hook up my external DVD reader to my computer, it just does not play the DVDs correctly. I think it is a Microsoft Windows issue. My solution was to get a TV and a DVD player. Well one of the gift choices was a 32 inch TV with Roku built in.

Not exactly sure what Roku was. I thought it was a box that let's you run apps. Well the TV itself runs apps like Netflix or YouTube. I got my TV delivered last week. Now I just need to get that DVD player, and I am off to the races.

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