Friday, March 13, 2020

Vacation Plans Change due to Coronavirus

We had scheduled to visit Momoko's dad for spring break. Had the time off, airplane tickets, and everything. Now the Coronavirus has hit. Momoko's dad did not want us to catch the virus on the plane and pass it to him. Reading between the lines, he thought we should postpone our flight.

Yesterday our state declared that schools will be closed for the next two weeks. Most likely they will cancel spring break to make up for the time off due to the coronavirus. I asked my boss if I could change my vacation plans. There was some negotiating. But my boss agreed.

So now Momoko and I might just take a right to the shore. We love having a hotel room facing the beach. The waves are very calming. The water is too cold to go near. But just being on the shore is medicinal. Rooms are relatively reasonable this early in the season. They cost a couple times higher in the summer.

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