Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Testing Gutter Solutions

Our rain gutters get clogged seasonally due to lot of leaves falling into them. This results in water pouring over the side of the gutter towards the house. It also makes the gutters heavy, and prone to falling off the house.

I have deliberated over hiring somebody to install some sort of gutter solution. But reviews are always harsh. Often times the "fixes" make the problem worse. There are many reports of people installing such solutions with a guarantee, but when it comes time to come back to resolve problems, there is no help.

I saw an ad for a cheap solution. So I bought a plastic mesh product for around $10 from a mail order catalog. There were no instructions on how to install the thing. It was just a long mesh. Today I got up on the roof. I placed the mesh over one section of gutters in the back yard. I tied the mesh down to the nails that connect the gutter to the house.

Let's see if this helps any. If so, I can do the treacherous job of climbing to the second level to install this same fix.

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