Sunday, August 29, 2021

Recliner Chair Shopping

My brother and I went to the county dump. We brought my old broke down recliner chair. It was stuck in the reclined position permanently. I looked up some local furniture shops. Momoko and I went shopping this weekend.

The first store was near the big city far to the North. I let Google Maps direct me there. Once close, Momoko told me to take a hard right onto an exit. It was the wrong way. After a U-turn, we found ourselves in a low income neighborhood.

This was my kind of area for shopping. I am positive the locals don't pay much for furniture. We pulled into a store in the basement of a warehouse. I was surprised that there was hardly any customers parked outside.<.br>
A salesman approached us immediately. I told him I wanted a recliner chair. I did not want a rocker or one that swivels. I told him I preferred one that had power reclining abilities. He said they had exactly one in the store.

The salesman took us to a light blue chair. I sat on it and it felt fine. I asked if I could test the power reclining. The sales guy checked, but there was no plug connected to the chair. He asked other salesmen and searched, but oculd not find the plug.

I was pleased that the chair cost only $300. Normally the low end power reclining ones go for $400. I asked the sales guy where I could pick up the chair if I bought it. He said their warehosue was closed due to COVID. He said they only deliver. Cost was $200. But he said he could cut that down to $100. I noped out of there.

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