Sunday, September 12, 2021

Chainsaw Time

A huge branch fell off a neighbor's tree and landed in our yard. Luckily it did not damage. It was a close call. I used my hand saw as best as I could to cut up the pieces. The main trunk of the branch was too huge. I dragged it behind the shed.

My brother spotted a dead tree on our property right behind our fence. I contracted a company to come cut it down. Also asked them to trim a huge branch growing into our house. They came and cut the dead tree with a chainsaw. They also climbed the other tree and cut the branch with a chainsaw.

I decided to finally purchase a chainsaw of my own. Ordered it from Amazon. It was an off brand. But it was 25% off and cost around $100. It came but the directions were not too clear. Took a while to figure out how to install the chain. Then it would not start. WTF?

Finally after another read of the manual, I determined the 3 buttons I had to press to turn it on. It was quiet probably due to it being battery powered. It made light work of the huge branch from the neighbor. Done in well under 30 minutes. It would have taken me more than 3 months of pain to do it with a hand saw.

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