Friday, December 17, 2021

Just Say No to College Group Projects

I am still trying to get eligible to enroll in a class at Little Kat's 4 year college. In the mean time, I am going to the night school at another local college. I figure while I am waiting, I can sign up for a class at this night school for next spring.

I need to take a statistics class because it is a prerequisite for all the other good classes I want to take. Since I will be out of town in the beginning of the spring, I decided I could only to an online course. I found one such class.

Before enrolling, I spied on the class syllabus from the last semester. I did not like what I saw. They put you in groups and want you to interact with your group to learn stuff together. I am sure that benefits instructors, as they push off the learn to other students. It also benefits slackers, as they can be pulled up by their peers.

Unfortunately for a person like myself, groups are essentially a total waste of time. Nobody has any time for that. I therefore hatched a plan to try to skip this class. When I was an undergraduate originally, I took an engineering statistics class. I hope I can use that to bypass this class.

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