Saturday, February 5, 2022

Birthday Party Rocking

This weekend, Momoko's friend from work was having a belated birthday party. This one was a double occasion, as this friend also bought a new house 1 year ago. This was the big reveal of the new house to most of us.

Momoko, Little Kat, and Kit Kat decided to go to the party. Little Kat brought some liquor along as a gift. This house was not new to Kit Kat. She works with this friend too, and had previously took care of the friend's cats while the friend went out of town.

I was the designated driver. Momoko does not liking driving when it is dark out. And the kids planned on drinking alcohol at the party. I used Google Maps with my Apple Carplay to get to the place. Kit Kat gave me some helpful tips, as it was very dark outside.

Near the friend's house, Google Maps got confused. Kit Kat navigated me to the doorstep. I parked in the driveway and let the family out. Then I proceeded to drive home. Had some trouble turning Google Maps off. Now I sit and wait until the family needs taxi service home. Momoko said she would probably come home early. And this time, Kit Kat thought she would not stay into the AM hours at the party.

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