Saturday, December 17, 2022

Late Christmas Shopping at BAM

Momoko needed to do some last minute Christmas shopping. She needed a buddy to go to Books a Million in our local strip mall. I volunteered as tribute. I cautioned that the store may no longer be in business. We drove to the mall. I was right. The store got replaced by a Korean BBQ and HotPot.

Momoko searched for another Books a Million. It was located in the next town north of us. She did not want to drive there. So instead she said we should go to Target. I said Target would not have the best selection. Plus it would be very crowded, it being one week before Christmas.

I talked her into heading north to the next closest Books a Million. She told me I should drive her there. Nope. This was her party. So she had to drive. I put the store in my Google Maps. Momoko complained that she could not drive and listen to the directions. So I put my phone on silent, and told her where to go.

It turns out Books a Million is in a big mall. We parking on the third level of a parking garage. We took the elevator down, and headed into a big store. Then we came out into the mall. The directory said that Books a Million was close to us, one level above.

The store had a bunch of people in it. But it was not too crowded. The magazine selection was substandard compared to other Books a Million stores. Momoko did find some gifts. I saw a couple magazines of interest. But they cost $16 to $17. So I left them there. Even pamphlet sized magazines were $7. Too expensive.

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