Saturday, August 12, 2023

Lawn Mover Flat Tire

Ten days ago, I noticed my lawn mower rear left tire was shredded. It was affecting my ability to cut the grass. I went to the manufacturer web site. I tried to order a new tire online. It redirected me to a local dealer. No reason to ship it from there. I could just pick it up.

The local store did not have my tire in inventory. So they ordered it. They said it would take a couple days. I waited 4 days and called them back. They said they had it. I used Apple Car Play to navigate me there.

Traffic was heavy close to the shop. The navigation took me to some other building. I called them up and they told me they were across the street. Inside they did not have lawn mowers, just a ton of motorcycles and some ATVs. I brought my tire home.

Today I found out why the front and back wheels are different. This is a self propelled lawn mover. It has rear wheel drive. The back wheels has a gear to help the engine turn the wheel. I installed the new wheel and I am good to go again. The other tires now seem really worn though.

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