Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Case of the Broken Chair

I picked up some Chinese take out for lunch today. Brought it back home. Tried to eat it in our library. Momoko's chair there kept leaning forward. Upon inspection, one of the legs had broke. I swapped the chair out for a sturdy wooden one. Then I turned the broke chair upside down in front of the fireplace.

Momoko called me during lunch to schedule a time to buy a new chair. Little Kat was busy right after Momoko's work. So we scheduled a trip to the store after dinner. I was going to pay for the chair if it was not too expensive. Therefore I was not going to drive. Momoko got Little Kat to drive. He complained of a leg injury.

When we got outside the house, Momoko and Little Kat were not sure if the chair would fit into his car. I ended up borrowing my brother's truck and we took two vehicles. The store looked deserted. But it was upon. We decided on a chair. The sales guy tried to explain about a 3 year warranty. I saw through it and declined any extended warranties.

Back at home, I put the broke chair behind the shed for a future dump run. Little Kat assembled the chair. Momoko chopped up the copious cardboard for recycling. The only mystery is who broke the chair. Currently Little Kat is acting like it was a surprise to him.

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