Thursday, January 11, 2024

Chair Shopping

While I was on vacation, Little Kat's desk chair broke. He borrowed Momoko's desk chair. I figured we needed to go shopping for a replacement. Little Kat said he could not afford a new chair. I told him I could buy it for him. We headed to our local Staples.

Little Kat sat in a bunch of display model chairs while I perused assorted desks. In the end, Little Kat said there were two chairs he liked. One was for big and tall men. However it cost $350. So he knew that was not in the budget. The only other chair he liked was the same one he has now. It was a good deal at $150.

They did not have the gray one he liked in stock. I asked them to order it for us. The lady at the front checkout had a lot of problems. At first she could not find the chair online. Then she concluded it was out of stock online. She tried calling some other stores. They were also out of the gray chair.

In the end, we opted for a blue colored chair. It is the same chair Little Kat has now. But it is a different color. The sales lady got the chair from the back. She rolled it to the curb with a dolly. Little Kat pulled the car up and we were on our way. Little Kat plans to buy an expensive chair once he graduates college and gets a job. This new chair should last him way past that.

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