Monday, May 6, 2024

Kit Kat's Big Birthday

Kit Kat and her boyfriend went out of town for her birthday. They ate at a smorgasbord. They painted plates/mugs. I thought they might see a musical. But some weak one was playing. We were not able to celebrate her birthday timely. When she returned, we exchanged gifts with her.

Because this was a significant birthday, Momoko planned something bigger. We scheduled a session to "blow glass". Momoko invited Kit Kat's friends from work, along with her old friends from school. Momoko bought several types of veggies and dips. We also had a friend buy some more veggies and dips. Momoko also bought cupcakes.

I was delegated the task to drive us to the party. It was in a big city to the north. We had to go through a toll tunnel. When I got on the street of the venue, I needed to turn around to get to it. I ran into 5 intersections where u-turns were illegal. Momoko had mentioned the parking lot was small. There were only 5 or 6 spots.

I produced a glass vase. More factually, some worker there created the vase. I was told to poke or push it from time to time. I was only along for the ride in creating this glass item. It cost a whopping $70. I saw Kit Kat present her recently married friend from middle school with a ribbon flower bouquet. Kit Kat's high school friend seemed like the only one dressed for the intense heat of the glass factory.

Afterwards, we queued up in a gallery building to pay. This was a huge bottleneck. It took a long time to have each of the 17 people pay. Afterwards, Kit Kat and friends from work went to Hot Pot. Momoko and I brought our vegetables home and instead opted for Subway at a new location.

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