Friday, May 24, 2024

Little Kat Graduates

This spring was Little Kat's last semester at his 4-year college. His semesters were divided into 2 terms. This last term he had only 2 classes. One was a capstone project course. The other was a presentations course. Both courses were taught by the same instructor. Both had a ton of work.

Little Kat had the option to walk in the graduation ceremony. The clothing alone costs hundreds of dollars. So he decided to skip it. There was some family drama when his dad did not get tickets to his graduation.

Initially Little Kat could not schedule all courses needed to graduate this semester due to course overlap. The school added new sections to make it possible for him and a few other cohorts to graduate in time. One of Little Kat's friends has a job already. The other has an internship.

I expected Little Kat to hit the ground running, looking for a job ASAP. Little Kat said he needed at least a gap month to rest and possibly travel. We will see how that goes. He cannot chill as he has student loans that need to be paid. I am involved as I had to co-sign for a lot of student loans.

Little Kat says he will take whatever job he gets offered. That includes jobs where he needs to relocate. His friend that already has a job said she would recommend him at her company. It will require a relocation to Dallas, TX. At least he has family close to there.

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