Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Passing of Chai Latte


Kit Kat reported that her gerbil was having trouble breathing last night. She called Little Kat, who went to her house directly after college. Little Kat stayed until midnight. Kit Kat took the day off. Around 10:00 am, Chai died. Kit Kat brought the body over to our house after school and work were over. Kit Kat and Little Kat buried the body in a checkbook box in our back yard.

Momoko called all the PetSmart stores in the area. The local one had 2 female gerbils. And the far away one we usually use had 2 more females. Little Kat and Kit Kat went to the local store and purchased 2 gerbils. Prices have gone up to $21 each. These gerbils seemed excited to come home to a clean cage that Momoko put together. Kit Kat went back home to see her boyfriend.

We added a clean gerbil wheel that the new gerbils were eventually able to figure out. Both gerbils try to run on the wheel at the same time. We also put a spaghetti box in the cage. They loved climbing on top and underneath the box. Later, Little Kat put a paper towel tube in the cage for them to chew on. We are debating what to name these first 2 gerbils. Kit Kat will eventually buy 2 more.

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