Thursday, July 11, 2024

Train Ride on Vacation

Momoko and I decided to return to a train ride on vacation. The last time we say in coach in a dining car. We ate lunch while the train road down the tracks. This time we opted for a more premium car. It had luxury recliners that swiveled.

After arrival, we proceed to check in which was between lamp posts 3 and 4. Then Momoko went shopping in the gift shop. Our train arrived. We were the first to board our car after the previous passengers exited. We say near the middle.

A late couple came with their newborn. Another family from India had a lot of people. One locomotive pulled us down the tracks, then detached and went to the other side to pull us back. We listened for a ghost train. We stopped by the grave of Marie Curie.

There was a place to stop for lunch. I guess you had to catch a later train back to the station. Maybe one family took up this offer. Nobody seemed to want to pay for professional photography. Camera phones work just as good. One guy ordered wine. We saw an Amtrak train speed past at the half way point.

I spied cows resting under a tarp from the sun. There was an alpaca. There were also some ponies. Of course there were farms with corn on the side. There was also a train graveyard with a lot of rusting parts.

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