Sunday, September 21, 2008

Time to Take a Break

Life has been moving at a record pace lately. I seem to be on the go most of the time. I have been looking forward to the weekend so that I can just relax but that has not seemed to happen yet.

On Friday, I stayed late at work to avoid having to go in on Sunday. Being a teacher, you have a lot of things to do to be prepared for class and a lot of it happens after the bell rings. I also had to drop off Little at a friend's house because he was sleeping over. I had a parent conference and I had to pick up Kit at school because she is a "Prop Girl" for the school's drama department.

After I picked up Kit, I brought her back to my school and we worked for a few more hours. We were both pretty tired. We decided to eat at home and watch a movie. I try to have a "date" night with each of my kittens so that they can have my undivided attention and we can do something we both enjoy. Kit and I watched a "cat-chick-flick". We rolled into bed about midnight.

On Saturday, I had to deal with a flat tire and run some errands. I did get to watch a movie with Kit after Little went to bed (gotta sneak in the "cat-chick-flicks" whenever you can).

And here it is Sunday morning, and I am about to go back to school and work. I think I might be putting in TOO many hours but sometimes you have to do what it takes.

1 comment:

Black Cat said...

Remember to always do your work.