Thursday, December 11, 2008

Back to College

At work I am thinking I may need to learn some more programming skills to prepare for the long haul. The next version of the system I work on will use technologies I am not familiar with. My plan is to go back to college to help my studying.

Today I took the morning off from work. I went to the local community college where I recently enrolled. I had read the schedule of classes and identified where visitor parking was. The problem was that the lots were not clearly marked. Eventually I parked in the right place.

After registering for a spring class, I decided to get a parking sticker for my car. A worker in the book store pointed me out where the Campus Police substation was. When I got there, it was empty. They are the only ones who can issue a parking sticker. That's ok. I decided to go to the Campus Police main office in the facilities building.

This is where it got strange. I had a campus map. I followed along to the edge of the parking lots. Then I passed some tennis courts. There was a small concrete path that I followed. The path ended at a tiny shack. I had to proceed on a dirt path. Finally I made it to Campus Police. Ooops. I did not have my registration. So I made the trek back to my car. As I was walking back on the dirt path, a pickup truck making a lot of noise came up behind me. I bolted toward the concrete path in the front. This college campus is not very cat friendly. Let's hope the class I signed up for is good.

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