Monday, July 13, 2015

Self / Less

Momoko and I woke up early this weekend to see the first showing of "Self / Less" starring Ryan Renolds and Ben Kingsly. There are kiosks at our theater to purchase tickets. We went to speak to a human. Tickets only cost us $4.88 each. Momoko was confused about the low price. I don't argue when they give me a great deal.

After the movie, we headed home to play with the gerbils. None of them escaped off the couch. We had all four out at once. Momoko creates a tunnel with two pillows and a blanket draped over top. That keeps the gerbils occupied for most of the time. When they get wild, we put them away.

Momoko and I went to Popeye's for lunch. I got the Huhpuppy battered shrimp meal. Momoko got a big chicken platter. I wished I got a platter - it would have provided me with a drink and a second side. Oh well. We went home to watch the first episode of this season's TV show Dominion.

I worked out in the yard during the late afternoon. Trimmed the hedges in front of the house. That is a chore because they are low, and I try not to get the hedge clippings in the mulch. Afterwards I cleaned up and drove Momoko to a local hospital where she did a scheduled sleep study for the night. I need to wake up really early tomorrow to pick her up.

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