Monday, February 20, 2017

Working on my Day Off

Today was a day off due to holiday. Used this to catch up on yard work. There was a picket on our side fence that broke off. I had a spare picket. But it was plain wood. Needed to paint it white to match the fence. Before setting out to do that, I recalled I had a white board that I wanted to throw out. I cut it to match the fence size. Then I screwed it in. Time saved. Fence looks good as new.

Next up was planting grass by the concrete that was poured this past year on the patio/driveway. There were a lot of empty patches on the small hill down from the patio. Plus there was a long bare path around the bottom of the hill.

First task for grass planting was to pick up all the sticks. Got a couple metal trash cans full of them. Then I needed to pull out all the rocks in the dirt. That took a long time. I would use the hoe to loosen them. Then I picked up the rocks by hand. Some of them were large.

Finally I mixed the new topsoil with the grass seed. Unfortunately two bags of topsoil and one bag of seed was not enough to cover everything. Will have to borrow my brother's truck tomorrow to buy some more. Good timing too. Momoko's car is in the shop, and she is borrowing my car to drive to work.

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