Sunday, October 28, 2018

Camping Weekend Rained Out

I took an hour off work to leave early for camping. Momoko and the kids packed our second car. We were off on time. I rode with Kit Kat. She started talking about the campfires. We realized we forgot the kindling. So we turned around. I filled two 30 gallon black trash bags with dry kindling to start out fires.

We got to the camp site fast enough. Had to wait in line to check into the front gate. The camp rep came and said we needed to park both cars in the driveway. We pitched a new canopy over the picnic bench. Dinner that night was hot dogs. Had trouble lighting the fire with their wood. Little Kat used charcoal to get the fire started.

That night, the rain was leaking into our seven man tent. My feet were damp. Momoko got dripped on her face. My only pair of pants got soaked in the tent as water ran down to my sleeping bag. By the early AM, the top of my sleeping bag was wet. Momoko cooked us some breakfast. Again had to resort to charcoal to get the fire started. I had some dry toast, hot ham, and scrambled eggs.

Kit Kat was sick. The kids had water in their sleeping bags too. We decided to pack everything up a day early and returned home. Kit Kat and I stopped by Sonic to get a snack for the family. Then we went home and unpacked everything. Momoko and I had Chinese food for lunch. Dinner was Chipotle. Another camping trip cut short.

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