Monday, October 21, 2019

Arrival of 2 New Gerbils

Kit Kat's friend had two gerbils. But the friend did not have time to take care of them. So she asked Kit Kat if we could take them. We have one old gerbil. The kids were thinking about eventually getting some new gerbils. So we agreed.

Little Kat and Kit Kat got the gerbils yesterday. They came with their own two story cage. There is a metal ladder leading up to the second floor in the cage. However this cage did not fit well on our gerbil book shelf. It was also difficult to get the gerbils out of the cage. So Kit Kat went and bought a new cage.

They gerbils had names. But we renamed them. They seem pretty energetic, as they are about 1 year old. They also seemed to interact fine with our family. Our existing older gerbil Latte was on high alert due to the new gerbils in the house. We keep them in separate cages for Latte's safety.

The new gerbils came with a wheel that they love to run in. Unfortunately the wheel is defective and keeps falling off its stand. Time to purchase a new gerbil wheel I guess.

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