Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Apartment Shopping

Little Kat is looking to relocate into the county of his college. He needs to do this for a chance to get into the program of his choosing at school. At first, I thought we would just have him rent a room from some friends of the family. That is proving harder than I thought. So now we are looking at renting him an apartment.

Luckily there are some apartment shopping aggregators out there. Trying to find a place with a washer/dryer inside the rental unit. Would be easier if the apartment provided high speed Internet. Just found out today that Little Kat would like a lot of counter space in the kitchen.

I am worried that we might choose a dud. So I am looking for an initial short term lease. That way Little Kat can bolt if need be. It would be nice if he did not live too far away as well. For now, me and Momoko scouted out a few apartment neighborhoods. Just today, Little Kat and I took a drive around those neighborhoods too.

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