Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Grocery Shopping for Little Kat


Little Kat is living on his own in his basement apartment. Momoko and I have got him on a rigid schedule to improve the grade in his required Anatomy class. He works a long week at his job this week. So he has not been able to go grocery shopping by himself. He used to tag along with Momoko for family grocery shopping.

Momoko decided we should help Little Kat out. So this afternoon, Momoko and I drove up by his house and went grocery shopping while Little Kat was at work. We happened to shop at the grocery store we went to when we lived in our prior town house. Their county had just started requiring that they charge customers for plastic bags. Luckily we brought our own bags in the trunk.

We went to Little Kat's house. I parked in the driveway to unload the groceries. I used Little Kat's spare door key that we keep at our house to let us in. It came in handy. After unloading, I parked my car in Little Kat's spot on the street. I put some weed killer in his laundry room. Momoko put the cold stuff in Little Kat's fridge and freezer. The rest we left on his kitchen table.

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