Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Presidential Election Time

It is getting close to election time. As usual, I am voting by mail. Trump came in 4 years ago with a lot of promises. Don't think he followed through on any of them. The other big option is Biden. He seemed a bit weak on what to do with looters/rioters. He also wants to spend a lot of money on his own version of the Green New Deal. I checked his web site. All it seemed to do is have pop ups asking for donations.

I saw there were a lot of other candidates on the ballot for president. Jo Jorgensen is the Libertarian party candidate. I really like that she wants to end civil asset forfeiture. She is against more borrowing by the government. She wants to end the war on drugs. She backs free market health care instead of Medicare. She wants to replace social security with individually controlled retirement accounts. On Twitter, she said she would eliminate the department of education.

The Green Party candidate is Howie Gresham Hawkins. He was a founder of the 2010 Green New Deal. He has run for governor of New York many times. He has been a member of the Socialist Party since 1972. Although he was against the war in Viet Nam, he did server as a marine there. He was a Teamster at the UPS for a long time.

There is an interesting guy named Jerome Segal running for president too. He formed the Bread and Roses party. He wants to reduce the time everyone spends working at their jobs. He backs universal health care. He wants to eliminate any tax exemptions for the wealthy. He would like to expand local agriculture initiatives. The thing that turned me off from him was his teaching policy at UPenn. He made students choose to either pass/fail his class, or get a default "C". That is because he is opposed to competitive grading.

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