Monday, October 5, 2020

Failure is not an Option

Momoko went shopping with Little Kat today to look for a desk. They did not find a suitable one. Momoko mentioned that Little Kat was planning to drop his anatomy class if he thought he would fail it. This was disturbing news. He needs this class to complete the prerequisites for the program he is trying to get into at college.

I called Little Kat on the phone. Had him go over what the prerequisites for his program were. Helped him understand what  prerequisite means. Note to the reader - it means you need to complete the courses before hand. Momoko, Little Kat, and I came to an agreement that he needs to pass this course this semester.

Momoko said she needed a copy of the anatomy textbooks. Little Kat has copies at his apartment. We need some for our house. I checked on Chegg, where Little Kat rents his expensive textbook. They only seemed to have a similar book. But it cost a lot to buy (even used). Rental was expensive too.

In the end, I decided to call the college bookstore. They have new copies of the books. They cost a fortune. But if this makes the difference between Little Kat getting into his program at college or failing, we need to get them. There are COVID-19 restrictions on campus. I needed to make an appointment and pass security COVID checks to get into the bookstore. I will get those textbooks.

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