Thursday, November 13, 2008

Big Trash Can

I woke up pretty early this morning. But I was still the last one of out the house. Kit Kat had just caught her bus to school. As I was heading out to my car, I saw a big trash can in our driveway.

That puzzled me. It is not trash day. I checked and all our big trash cans were up in our carport. Then I noticed that all my neighbors had a trash can in their driveway too. And all the trash cans looked the same.

It was then that I figured it out. These were not trash cans. They were new recycling bins that the county had given to us. They just look like trash cans because of their shape and size. Great. Now Little Kat can start up the massive recycling project he wants to do. Right now I only put old newspapers in our little recycling container.

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