Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Too Much Snow

The weathermen predicted snow. For once they were right. Momoko thought we got around 25 inches. I figure we may have had more. People I talked with from work said they had more like 30 inches.

The family rallied to clear our large driveway. Luckily my brother moved in already and could help. He is physically fit and experienced at shoveling. It took us three rounds to clear out the driveway.

A snow plow came half way down our street and then took off. The boy across the street had an industrial strength snow blower. He blew a path from his house to where the plow gave up. The family went out this afternoon and dug a path from our driveway to the snow blower path.

My brother, Little Kat, and I took a drive in my bro's 4 wheel drive vehicle. The streets were plowed narrowly. At the end of my street, some dingbat was shoveling snow in the middle of the street and listening to music. On the way home we had to beep the horn to get her out of the way.

After wrapping up work, I went with my bro to his old house to clear the path for the mailman. That was light work. We figure there was around 18 inches of snow there. Some truck got stuck in front of my brother's street and it took 30 minutes for him to get out. Amateurs.

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