Friday, April 13, 2018

Cleaning up an oily situation

Every once in a while, Little Kat comes up with some new idea. He wants to play with some gadget. Most of the time he asks me to purchase such toys. Since Little Kat is essentially a good guy, and he does not work/earn much, I usually indulge him.

Some time in the last year I got him a deep fryer. He fried up a few items. Said they tasted really good. Then I guess he got bored with it. The cooking oil was stinking up the house. So I told Little Kat to relocate the oil bin outside on the patio.

Well the bin has been out here untouched for a long time. Leaves and rain have fallen into it. Today I decided to clean the thing up. I poured a little of the oil into a pickle jar. The rest I drained into a two-liter soda container.

I used a lot of newspaper to catch the oil. Also used the newspaper to clean out the container. I wrapped everything up in more newspaper and a lot of plastic grocery bags. Don't want an oily mess before this stuff goes to the dump.

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