Thursday, April 12, 2018

Starting early and working late

Since I was on vacation last week, I have a lot of catching up to do at work. I normally have to do some after hours monitoring of our production systems. It is a pain. But we share the responsibility amongst many people on the project. So I usually only do it once a week.

Last week I had a shift while I was on vacation. I asked a guy on the project to cover for me. In return, I would cover for him this week while he went on vacation. That means I am doing double shifts this week. Had to work the late shift last night, and the early one today.

The only good news is that my direct customer limits the amount of hours I can bill them per week. Once I hit that mark, I am done for the week. Guess what? I am done. It is the weekend for me. Now my company does not want me chilling on the weekdays. So I am officially opting for "self-directed training". Fun.

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