Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Stories of a Barber Shop

I was scheduled to attend a morning meeting at our customer's site. The parking there is terrible. So I got up early and was the first one out of the house. Traffic was not bad. I headed directly to the cafeteria upon arrival. The worker just filled up a new cheesy scrambled egg container at the buffer. Helped myself.

The meeting was held in a large auditorium. The ice breaker was to get into a group of about 15 people. Everybody shared some short idea. The next person needed to build off the idea. By the end, we would have a collective story to tell. This is our STORY:

Went to get a hair cut. The barber took off too much hair. Still gave the guy a tip. To console myself from the bad hair cut, I went to get lunch. At a bunch of pasta. Paid the server with a gift card for the tip. Stood in line at a another barber shop, only to find that it was closed. Cut my own hair. Injured myself in the process, causing a scar. Recalled that I got a scar on my leg when I was 3 years old can fell down.

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