Friday, March 20, 2015

CT Scan Time

I have been having some pains in my chest. My doctor schedule me for a CT scan. This is also known as a CAT scan. I had to go to my insurance company's medical facility to get the scan done. I left early from work to get through all the traffic. My dad and brother's house is on the way to the facility, so I stopped by.

When I eventually arrived at the facility, I went through the main entrance. I was expecting some sort of reception area. Nothing of the sort was there. I asked a security guard about CAT scans. She told me to go to radiology. Umm yeah. I had to get directions.

Luckily I brought my Amazon Kindle along with a new book loaded up. I waited after filling out some paperwork. Another patient who went in right after me told me he got a flu shot three months ago, and was still suffering from the after effects. Ouch.

A male nurse put an IV in my arm. The dude kept working on my arm as he stood directly in front of me. Wrong positioning. My fist kept being in contact with his private area. Dude! Another nurse comes to bring me in. There I saw this big ring that reminded me of Stargate SG-1.

I lay down on a bed. The nurse tells me to raise my feet and arms in a certain position. Then the whole bed lifts up and I got through the big circle. A computer voice tells me to take a breath, hold it, then breathe normally a couple times.

Initially my eyes were closed. Then I opened them and saw green lit up icons that represented whether I should breath or hold in my breath. I also felt a gust of cold air. WTF? I took my jacket off. Maybe I should have kept it on? Nope. The cold air must have been to prepare me for the heat that emanated from the CT machine. It must be some radiation zapping me.

It was over quick. They let me out of the room where the scanner was. I had to wander around a bit to find my way out of the facility. I raced home to eat some pizza cooked by Kit Kat in the oven/

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