Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hidden Treasure

I had thought I did well by purchasing five bags of rock salt earlier this year. With all the bad weather this season, we went through the bags quickly. We have a huge driveway that gets iced up all the time. I got lucky and loaded up again with another five bags of rock salt. We are now on our last bag.

There really is only one store in town that actually stocks the stuff. They are now out of rock salt. They do sell ice melter. I don't like the ice melter as much as the rock salt. Here is the kicker. They charge a lot more for the ice melter. Feels like price gouging to me.

The people in the area must not care. I went to the store twice and found it empty. The sales guy there said they got a couple pallets of ice melter. It was gone in no time. There is a silver lining to my story. Previously I had bought some ice melter but did not like it. Instead of throwing it out, I stashed it in the back of my shed and forgot about it.

Today I marked over the snow in the back yard. Went to the shed and found a few bags of ice melter in the back. We are saved. I don't have to fight the crowds to buy overpriced ice melter now. The moral of the story? Back the truck up when they have rock salt on sale. I learned my lesson/

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