Thursday, May 12, 2016


I have some faux concrete edging around the garden in the front yard. It separates the lawn from the garden nicely. The problem is that the ends keep falling off when I cut the grass. The lawn mower bumps the edging, and the ends are not as secure.

At my dad's house, I found these long stakes I thought could help me out. They look like huge nails. I figured I could drive these down into the ends of the edging to keep it in place. When I brought it home, I went to the carport shed to get some new end squares for the edging.

I found the end squares in the shed. When I pulled them out, something fell to the ground. My spider senses were tingling. The thing that fell turned out to be a piece of mulch. But up on the shelf where I grabbed the end square, I saw a mouse turn around and high tail it back behind the edging.

Initially I thought I could grab the mouse with something. But why go through all that effort? We used to have tons of mice in our old backyard shed. The best exterminator was the cheap mouse traps. I actually had a bunch in the closet.

I got some gloves on, set the trap, put a piece of Kraft cheese on it, and waited. I did not want any of the family to get their fingers caught in the mousetrap. So I texted everyone a warning to be careful in the carport shed. I also made a big sign and put it on the front of the shed.

This morning I found that the trap had worked. I wrapped up the mouse and stuck him in a garbage bag I was taking out to the trash can. Then I set another trap in case there is a family of mice living in the shed. Got to be thorough.

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