Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Celebrate Good Times of Summer

Today was Little Kat's last day of the college school semester. I had my final last night. So at lunch, I decided that Little Kat and I should go out to celebrate. Little Kat was agreeable if I would drive to wherever we were going. I chose Sonic. It is far away. But it is delicious.

When we arrived at the restaurant, they only had car hop parking spaces. We parked in one and walked inside. Some dude came to take our order. He was really slow entering it into the system. He made at least one mistake with Little Kat's drink.

I got the double cheeseburger. And Little Kat got the coney. We both had slushes to drink and tots for a side. Donald Trump was on the TV giving a press briefing. The order came with Little Kat's name on it since he ordered first. Little Kat and I both got brain freezes from drinking the ice cold slushes too quickly. They provided Sonic mints without us having to ask.

Here's to a relaxing summer without school.

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