Thursday, January 18, 2018

Case of the Mysterious Clump of Leaves

This season I was diligent in raking up leaves that fell from the trees. Got the entire fenced area of our property cleared. Started making dents into the large area of our property behind the fence. Then I went on vacation. Afterwards, I started back on the area behind our fence. I came upon a suspicious mound of leaves directly behind our fence.

At first I was worried some animal had made this pile as part of a nest. So I poked at it with a large branch, separating the leaves until I was sure no dangerous animal was inside. The leaves were heavy as they clumped together with some water. I bagged up the leaves in 5 large paper bags (30 gallons each). I was still perplexed by this pile.

I asked the family. Nobody confessed to dumping leaves over the fence. Little Kat postulated that maybe the gutter cleaners did it. Before going on vacation, I hired a team of window washers to climb up on the roof and clear the leaves from the gutters. They usually bring their own heavy duty trash bags and haul the leaves away. Maybe they had some extra leaves that did not fit, and they decided to toss them.

Consider this case closed. Next time I will have to schedule the gutter cleaners while I am home so I can keep an eye on them.

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