Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Ty Cobb Strikes Out

I have been spying on this salad that Momoko and Kit Kat order at the local bar. It is loaded with goodies like bacon, cucumber, diced tomato, and chicken. Apparently it is a somewhat healthy meal (compared to the delicious appetizers sold by the bar). I have been wanting to try this salad myself.

Momoko and I went to a Mediterranean restaurant this weekend to eat gyros. So by Sunday, we decided to go somewhere close. We went to the bar. Sat in the bar area. I finally ordered a Ty Cobb salad. I told them to hold the avocado. Topped it off with a ranch dressing. It was expensive. But based on the looks, I was hoping it would be worth it.

Turns out it was nothing special. I think it was missing the crucial ingredients such as hard boiled egg and croutons. In the end, I felt like it was just a rip off. Should have gone with some of the other choices I know are good. Come on Ty Cobb. Represent.

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