Monday, November 4, 2019

Branch Disposal

There were high winds during a recent storm. Lots of branches fell into our back yard. Took over an hour to collect them. There was a mix of small and large branches. Previously I had put them in metal trash cans so the county could take them away.

Recently I started putting the branches in tall 30 gallons paper bags that the county also hauls away. These bags cost $2 for a pack of 5. So it runs me 40 cents to send out a bag. Not a huge cost. But I had a lot of branches recently.

Another problem is that the county does not want branches that are too thick. What is a homeowner to do? Well I took a cue from my own dad. I decided to burn the branches. For my first run, I lit newspaper plus dry kindling in our fire pit. Then I put the large branches (logs) on top. Problem solved.

Now I am taking it to another level. When I collect sticks, I put them all in the fire pit to burn. The only think I will send to the county are fresh branches that I think would not burn well. The only thing I need to do now is dispose of the ashes after the wood is burned. There is not too much of it. I just throw that in the trash.

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