Thursday, November 14, 2019

Trash Bag Economics

We use 13 gallon trash bags with handles for tying them shut in our kitchen garbage can. These are easy to secure. However I found that putting those bags in our outdoor bins results in stinky trash cans. So I decided we should double bag our trash when setting the bags out in our trash cans.

I choose a 30 gallon bag for the outer wrapper. I like when I can tie the top of the bag stuff. Don't care much for the "cinch sack", where you pull a plastic string to shut the bag. These days I buy the bags from Amazon.

Previously I could buy 4 boxes at once and save money. Probably because I was buying in bulk. Shipping was free with Prime. The only problem is that bulk deal is no longer available. Next I tried multiple smaller boxes when they were cheap. That deal is gone too.

Today I had to use Amazon Prime Pantry. You pay a flat $5.99 fee to ship up to a certain amount of weight. I bought bigger boxes of my trash bags. There was a 5% off bonus if you purchase 5. I found for some reason Amazon waived the shipping fee also when I bought 5. It turned out to be cheaper to buy 5 than 4.

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