Monday, March 16, 2009

Answering Machine Blues

Our home answering machine had degraded. It still said hello when people called, and recorded the messages. However the messages would be hard to understand. Time for a new machine.

Mamma Kat went to the store. They only have one brand of machine in any given store. Doesn't anybody use good old answering machines any more?

Well I finally hooked up the new machine that Mamma Kat got us. It was tough because the phone jack is behind a heavy desk that has even heavier objects on top of it. But the mission has been accomplished. Give us a call at the home number.


Grand Kat said...

This is the loan company calling, we can give you a loan at a 20% rate if you call us back in 3 hrs.
How's that?

Momoko said...

Some calls just do not make it through...