Saturday, May 14, 2011

The iPad Adventure

Momoko had wanted to buy an iPad. I thought that was too expensive for such a toy. Then the iPad 2 came out. Momoko really wanted to get one of them. When the iPad 2 went on sale, Momoko tried to get one. They were sold out everywhere.

So Momoko put in an order for one of them. It seemed an eternity for the thing to come in. I advised Momoko to cancel her order. However just this week the thing came in. At first Momoko was suspicious. The box only said "iPad". She wanted the iPad too. A little research showed that she had in fact purchased an iPad 2.

Little Kat says that the screen of the iPad 2 is high definition. He also said it was 9 times faster than the original iPad. Looks like he got confused with some of the marketing hype. Momoko's games show a whole lot more on the iPad 2. It works seamlessly with out wireless Internet in the house. However Momoko found that the version she bought does not work with our cell phone 3G network. Outside the house she has no connection.

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