Friday, May 27, 2011

Laundry Fail Again

This week I had a large amount of laundry to wash. Had a lot of work to do, and work clothes add up in the hamper. Momoko also needed her clothes washed. Little Kat has that job.

We had Little Kat do the laundry first because I stay up late. I told Little Kat to set a timer to make sure the laundry he was doing got done. He used his iPhone for the timer. I checked up on Little Kat and he said he got this.

A few hours later I asked Little Kat if he was done with the laundry. I needed to get started. He told me he forgot, and that he must not have heard his alarm. Then I found out that the clothes never made it to the dryer. These clothes were just not getting done that night.

Now Little Kat is in trouble. Momoko is cooking up some plans to help Little Kat stay on task for laundry and other work. If not, Little Kat will just have to stay in the laundry room until the laundry is done. Harsh. But it will work.

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