Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Caught Speeding

Momoko got a speeding ticket in the mail today. It was a photo enforcement for Kit Kat's car. However Kit Kat was not driving the car on the street that the ticket says she was. I advised Momoko to contest the ticket. That means she probably has to go to court.

Momoko and Kit Kat started talking about their elaborate plans to prove they were not at the scene of the crime. I advised them that their proofs did not address the complaint on the ticket. The ticket just states that Kit Kat's car was speeding on a certain street on a certain date. There is nothing claiming that Kit Kat was the one driving the car.

Instead I recommend that Momoko gather up evidence that shows her plate goes with our little red car. That could be a picture, plus the registration from the state, as well as an insurance card. Then Momoko can show the judge this evidence, contrasted with the picture of some random Jeep Cherokee, whose picture is on the ticket. That discrepancy alone should get the ticket revoked.

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