Monday, February 6, 2012

The Passing of DJ

Momoko noticed that one of our fish was floating upside down. He was still swimming. But Momoko said that is usually a sign that a fish is near the end. We had named this fish DJ, which was short for Dojo Loach, the type of fish it is. DJ was a recent aquisition (in the last year). He is not the shortest Dojo we own. But he is the skinniest Dojo.

The next day, Kit Kat told me that DJ had died. He was floating near the top of the tank. Poor DJ was rigid in a straight position. Kit Kat scooped him out and disposed of him. Luckily we have three other Dojo Loaches in our tank. One of them is pretty old. So perhaps we may pick up some more of these and put them in our incubator tank.

Goodbye DJ. Your time came too soon.

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