Saturday, June 30, 2012


Little Kat built the bookshelf we got him all by himself. Solid construction skills. Then Momoko and I went to his room to see how a 32-inch TV would fit on it. At first it seemed to cover the light switch on the wall. Then we turned the bookshelf 45 degrees to make it cover a corner of the bedroom.

I jumped down into Little Kat's floor level bed. As I reached under the pillow to support my head, I found a slim iPhone looking device. It was Momoko's iPod. Little Kat had lifted it from Momoko. The thief! At least the TV looked good from that angle. Then I climbed up onto Little Kat's loft bed. I could see the TV well from there too. The 32-inch TV is the right size for viewing from Little Kat's bed.

I had Little Kat search for any other suspicious items he had hidden in his bed. He found a Nintendo DS. He declared the game system was out of power for months. Likely story - not. Who knows what other suspicious items were tucked in that bed. Time for a shake down. Next we need to get Little Kat a new DVD player. We will then cut a whole in the back of the bookshelf to feed wires through.

The final step will be to anchor Little Kat's bookshelf to the wall for safety. We will also have Little Kat snake the cable wire along the wall to the new TV spot. Little Kat told me I will need to purchase a cable wire extension to make it reach the TV. Purchase request approved.

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