Monday, June 18, 2012

Crimes of Little Kat

Momoko arranged for Kit Kat to cook one of my favorite new meals - Beef and Broccoli featuring flank steak. There are some secret incredients that make this Chinese food dish taste awesome. One of them is apple juice. Kit Kat bought a big jug of apple juice at the store. She only needed a small amount for the Chinese food. Momoko still restricted Little Kat from drinking any of the apple juice. We don't want to run out of it before the meal is cooked.

I walked into the kitchen and found Kit Kat lifting up the apple juice jug. He wanted to chug-a-lug right out of the bottle. Fail. I screamed and asked what the heck he was doing. He calmly tried to pretend like he was getting a glass of apple juice. Double fail. Now Little Kat is on big time restriction. He must drink only water for a full week.

My delicious beef and broccoli was tainted by the assumed Little Kat backwash. For the thievery, Little Kat also had to purchased some apple juice concentrate with his own money.

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