Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bad Timing

Momoko brought Little Kat to work with her today. He helped to start the setup of Momoko's classroom for the upcoming year. They both came home at lunch time. I had planned to spend tomorrow afternoon off from work to help Momoko at school. She came home to tell me that school was closed tomorrow.

Kit Kat slept in this morning. It is her first day off this week. Plus she had a brand new premium matrees to sleep on. We had a family meeting where Momoko broke the news about school being closed. Momoko got Kit Kat and Little Kat to sign up to work in her classroom this afternoon.

The immediate need was for some lunch. Kit Kat proposed some Chinese food. I agreed since they have good lunch special deals. I placed an order on the phone. Then the boss called me and told me I needed to attend an emergency conference call. I had to send Kit Kat to pick up the Chinese food. An hour and a half later, I decided I better eat my Chinese food. The conference call would continue for another hour and a half.

Sometimes you got to put up with nonsense from work. That's okay. Since I was going to help Momoko with her classroom tomorrow, but school is closed, that means I am going to take a free afternoon. That's karma for you.

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